perjantai 17. elokuuta 2012

Any place under the sun... Maybe next time.

My intention was to go around Taiwan and invest heavily on the East side and its nature. I also wanted to take a nature trail from Sun Moon Lake to Alishan mountain and sleep somewhere in between. However, my biggest fan, the typhoon, found me again, destroyed the road to Alishan and a bridge to the East side, as well as stopping most trains, immobilising me in Douliu.

I do not complain though. My host is just great, and the mood of heavy rain is not bad. After waiting out the rain I visit my host's hometown and am taken to Sun Moon Lake, which is a major disappointment. No nature trail, and the views are mostly ruined by urban design. There is no way I would stay there overnight. My host finds me another place to stay for the night before I go to Kaohsiung.

Moving on to Kaohsiung, I find yet another host who meets me with a friend and they take me to see the sunset at a harbour. We climb a small rock to get a better view, even though people try to stop us, saying it is dangerous. It is not. After sunset we have dinner and my host explains to me that because of family staying over I cannot, but it does not matter because there is again another person to put me up for the night. In the morning I go out with one of the people I met last night to eat a bowl of great beef noodles and I try to commit the taste to memory so I might be able to recreate it at home.

Having left part of my travel belongings to Douliu, I have to stop there to pick them up before returning to Taipei.

My final host turns out to be a nice person, to none of my surprise. With a friend she helps me to gather gifts and we have good foods. My mind is already in Malaysia though, and during my last day in Taiwan I only try to make the time pass faster so that I can more quickly step on the plane and be on my way.

Seeing the natural parts of Taiwan, camping out and wandering did not happen this time. These I will have to leave for another visit.

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