torstai 5. heinäkuuta 2012

From Dragon Gate back to Comedian's town.

The final days in Kyoto are enjoyable. For the most part I simply enjoy the feeling of the town and Kamogawa river as well as the company of my host and her other guests. We enter a language exchange party, which turns out to be less than thrilling. Mostly people stick to their own tables with people they already know. After eating, I slightly chat with a young man sitting next to me.  He seems bored out of his wits, and I talk him into going somewhere with me. He does not put up a fight.

After all we end up mostly walking around some streets and talking about nothing in particular. Bars seem to be a perfect storm of boring and too expensive so we do not go inside. I am corrected about my blue-eyed assumption that "girls bars" are posh establishments only females may enter. After walking around for a while we exchange contact information and go our separate ways.

The next day promises me one thing and one thing only. Regardless of that, I still visit the Gion area to see a garden and check out shopping possibilities. There I buy two scarves that I end up tying around my messenger bag. They might come in handy as torques, or at least to tie around my hear to prevent sweat from dripping into my eyes when things get hot.

In the evening I go to see a show of Dragon Gate Pro. As expected, it is amazing. After the show I go to exchange a word with the champion trio of Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi and Pac, asking for a photo together with them as well as Dragon Kid and BxB Hulk. The Englishman takes the lead in the conversation, telling me that if I can wait until they are finished with autographs, he will find me in the arena for the photographs. Indeed he does, and immediately tells me I speak perfect Japanese. He and his teammates briefly lament the absence of an audience in Finland, as they assure me they would want to perform there as well. If only...

Pac then disappears to go find the other two, and quickly comes back to inform me they are coming right up. My language skills are again commended before the pictures. I cannot tell if BxB Hulk is discomfited by the situation, or just playing his heel role very well. Afterwards, I make my way to base to prepare dinner.

The next day I move back to Himeji for two nights. It is mostly uneventful, though I visit a hot spring bath in a nearby town. My host is the same as last time, and he is polite as ever. He seems a little sickly, which makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. I find a host in Osaka for the remainder of my stay in Japan. This one is more lively and reminds me of two people I have met earlier. Without a clear plan I merely walk to a post office nearby to purchase a box in which I can send excess baggage home while my host goes to pick up groceries. Afterwards we have dinner and then talk until I am exhausted and go to sleep.

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