lauantai 7. heinäkuuta 2012

Goodbyes and greetings.

On the day second to last in Japan, I meet a girl who was hosted by my family some seven years ago. Though we merely walk around before a light dinner, I have once again the wonderful feeling that everything is taken care of. After having dinner and exchanging pleasantries we part ways, and before I return to my host's home, I make a final visit to the Weird Café in Osaka Station City. There people there seem surprised and happy to see that I come back alive to redeem the promise I made as I took my leave earlier. I wait until closing time to catch another photo of them. This time I am also in the photo with them.

The next day I send a parcel to myself. I should remember to send a written permission to my friend so that he can pick the parcel up in my place. The rest of the afternoon passes on trains and waiting for check-in.

As a coincidence, the only non-Asian person on there plane sits next to me. We chat for the duration of the flight, transit and next flight, as our destination is the same. Arriving in Beijing, I meet my new, Bosnian acquaintance's two friends, one from Taiwan and the other from China. Everyone speaks Japanese, which is then used as the lingua franca for the evening. These new faces help me check for train schedules. As there is no night train to where I want to be and meet my friend, they invite me to hunt for a hostel to stay at. None can be found, since I have no reservation and most places are fully booked at this time. We divide the group into two, two staying at a hostel where they have a booking and me and the Chinese one continuing our search. After a while of driving around and coming up empty-handed, she makes the judgement that I am not a bad man and says I can stay at her hotel room for the night and that she will help me catch a train in the morning.

The friendliness, shower and comfortable bed are welcome and it does not take long for me to fall asleep. It would be an early morning the next day.

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