maanantai 2. heinäkuuta 2012

Nothing like the rain... Ise revisited.

With no clear plan in sight for a day, I head to Ise, where I went near the beginning of my trip. On the way there it starts to rain. Naturally I forgot to take my umbrella with me.

I find my way back to the old part of town near the inner shrine I visited earlier. By this time it is really pouring. I walk around for a while and note that two of the tea shops I saw on the earlier visit are closed. I then sit down to eat at the same restaurant I went to earlier, and have exactly the same Ise speciality noodles with fried prawn I had last time. Before I leave there, my waiter insists that I take an umbrella from the ones they have lying around at the shop. This is a nice surprise.

I then take a look at one of the tea shops. After a long, hard search, I end up buying a small teapot. It is not perfect, but close to it.

When I decide it is time to leave, I ask for directions at a convenience store, promptly being guided to the nearest station. At the parking lot, a man in a car signals me and asks if I am going to the station and says he can give me a ride. For a moment I stall for time and try to figure out if he wants something. Turns out he does, but it is only to save me the trouble of walking to the station. Not all goodwill is gone from the world.

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