lauantai 14. heinäkuuta 2012

In transit, in waiting.

Three cheers for The Party, which forbids me from publishing photos while here. I will update these entries from the jurisdiction of Hong Kong.

After waking up, I almost immediately leave for the train station after thanking my host for the night. I buy the first possible ticket for Zhengzhou and set out to kill time, which is a little easier said than done when one does not speak the local language.

I make it to Tiananmen square to check out the sights there a little. As someone who is decidedly unimpressed about sights, especially urban ones, it does not take too long for me to simply start strolling about and thinking about what to do next. It is then that I run into someone offering tours to the great wall and, when I say I have no time for it, to just guide me about town for a while. I agree, and express my wishes for tea. This one takes me to a famed tea house where I gladly drink some Longjing tea. Due to my guide's limited skill of English and my nonexistent skill of Chinese, conversation is not very deep, but good to pass the time nonetheless.

After tea I ask if I could have lunch and am promptly taken to a nearby restaurant to remind myself how much I like Chinese food. I thank my guide and catch a taxi to the train station. It seems I miscalculated and therefore miss the train. I head to the ticket office to exchange my ticket, and when the person behind the glass says the next available ticket is tomorrow, I almost want to start a fight. However, another person manages to inform me that for a small extra fee I can take the train after two hours in first class. I do not need to think twice.

The trip is uneventful. In the evening I meet my friend, who is a sight for sore eyes. Arriving to her home, it is time for supper and soon for rest.

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