tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2012

Friendly faces, part III

The final day in Tokyo. After some slight trouble, I meet another person I was originally supposed to meet. We stroll Harajuku and I end up buying a kind of coat. The chance to shower the night before was much appreciated, but does not do much good as the day is really hot.

In the evening I go to see a show by Wrestling New Classic at a small venue. As I talk to the owner of the promotion during the break, I am mistaken for a wrestler. An easy mistake to make, I guess. After the show I talk to two of my favourites out of those performing, and when I tell them I came all the way from Finland to see them, their faces are worth seeing. I also get a picture with both of them in hopes of making my namesake in Finland green with envy. The photo with Shuri Kondo looks pollute I am the wrestler and she the fan. An easy mistake to make, I guess. I take the night bus to Nagoya after finding out there are no more trains available. In the morning I am in desperate need of a shower and doing laundry. After a stroll through one part of town I have a meagre breakfast and find an Internet café. Sadly, this I've does not have shower service. I book a room to charge my phone and to take a nap anyway. Afterwards, the staff gladly directs me to a place that has a shower. Unfortunately it is a misleadingly named "relaxation club". After a long time of walking and not being able to take a bath, one would easily think "oh boy, that's exactly what I need", and enter with pure and purifying intentions. Naturally,a relaxation club is actually a place where the staff's faces are concealed, where one can go relieve sexual tension by renting adult material. And they do not even offer the possibility of merely taking a shower without renting a room. Not that it matters, as showering in such a place would be more than slightly disgusting. After a brief consideration I set out to search for a bath house. Only a short while later I enter one, slightly confused about how to exist in such a place. I manage to gather enough information from watching the other patrons, and then start using the facilities as best as I can. And it is absolutely relaxing. Stiffness and grime melt away. There is also a sauna and a cold bath to satisfy a Northern spirit. After purification I set out for the train station to meet a friend and his crony who visited my house earlier this year. Upon seeing him I immediately get the feeling that I am in good hands and that everything is taken care of. This one does not speak much English, and the crony also speaks mostly rudimentary English. It does not matter one bit. We have dinner and go to another bath house where I drink a sparkly drink called "Kamen cider". This is, of course, a pun related to Kamen riders. Funny as all hell. After another cleansing we make it to my friend's house. We have a sleeping space for three on the floor, which reminds me of olden days of sleepovers. In the end, Mr. Sandman quickly drops the People's elbow on me and I am easily knocked out.

1 kommentti:

  1. Mie tuossa yks päivä mietiskelin, että joku painijärjestö sinut bongaa ja sie jäät Japaniin painimaan näkymättömien miesten ja pikkutyttöjen kanssa.
    Vähänkö ois siistiä
