torstai 7. kesäkuuta 2012

Jump for joy?

So arriving to Japan was not exactly the triumph and joy it might have been. After sitting down at the Kansai international airport to think about my next move, I went to get a ticket to get to Osaka proper. No biggie. After a brief consideration, I decided to buy a four-day Kansai pass and save my all Japan rail pass gambit for later. Turns out one needs to present one's return ticket along with other documents to be eligible for the pass. As I do not possess one, I had to settle for just buying a one-way ticket and go nod off in the train.

Arriving to Osaka I struggled to find a wi-fi connection, which was a doomed attempt. After strolling through the main train station, I found a café which offered use of tablets, those devils' devices. It didn't take me long to find out I had been forgotten by one of my hosts, postponed by another, declined by yet another and ignored by the rest. So let the good times roll again. However, I made my way to Nishinomiya in hopes that one of the hosts would feel the evil pressure of bad karma and contact me. It seems that letting this one be stranded is not such a great source of bad karma.

After cursing this rotten luck, I went to a jolly noodle place for eats. The owner kept on apologising for his slowness and the low quality of the food. It was easy to see he did not mean it, but that was a-OK since the noodle stuff was actually quite good. I then asked the owner about a cheap hotel nearby and he promptly directed me to an expensive one. Not much later I had wandered off and found a considerably cheaper place. The clerk spoke not one word of English, but I struggled to get a room. The place was seedy, one of those places where they offer pay-on-demand adult material on TV. I felt like Fox Mulder for a moment. But taking a bath and brushing my teeth turned the day ever so slightly towards victory. Tomorrow would bring a new challenge.

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