torstai 28. kesäkuuta 2012

Kyoto hospitality.

I found a host in Kyoto quite easily. Originally I had another as well, so as to take some load off of one host, but the other failed to let me know about contact details and seemed to lose interest in the whole affair. Fortunately the host who could deliver is very open to well-meaning vagrants and lets me stay for a long time. There are also other people in the house when I arrive, which makes the apartment more lively. For better or worse. One of them leaves after one night and the others soon follow.

I have an appointment with a friend the day following my arrival. We meet for the first time, but the atmosphere of the day is not at all like that. We visit the Silver and Gold temples as well as the Zen rock garden. The Kamogawa riverside catches my fancy and we also spend a long time there. In the evening we have the first meal in Japan that I do not fully enjoy, because it is a kind of European style meal and the taste too familiar. Afterwards we part ways, richer for the experience.

The next day I meet another local friend for lunch and another long walk and hangout at the riverside. We also cross the river on rocks, which is nicely cooling as the river washes over the rocks and the feet of those crossing. After parting I wander around for some time, only slightly lost. Eventually I return to my host's apartment, which serves as a base of operations for now. I also make sure that I have a place to go when I return to Himeji one week later.

During the few days of idleness I try to search for the perfect teapot, but much to my chagrin, do not find it. Though visiting more than a handful of stores, I find many good teapots but not a single perfect or even great one.

I do manage to find some other gifts to bring back to myself and others though, so it is not all for naught.

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