sunnuntai 3. kesäkuuta 2012

Leaving Europe after the rain.

Behind lies a marginally exhausting train trip which leaves me earnestly happy that I shan't meet Finnish people in their natural habitat for the next three months. Ahead lies some 24 hours in airplanes and airports. It is five in the morning and there is absolutely no sign of travel stress. I reckon it might kick in after check-in, right before boarding the plane. Maybe later today I will realise I will be gone for three months.

Despite all doubts, check-in was painless and I will board the plane shortly. I will be going to Osaka through Frankfurt and Hong Kong. Good times ahead.

Waiting at airports is boring as always. There is not much room for adventure. Though one who travels with medicine supplies experiences some hindrances at nearly every turn, excitement it is not. Fortunately there is music to keep one's attention away from boredom. Approximately one hour more until I collect my stuff and lazy bones and head for the gate to Hong Kong.

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