perjantai 1. kesäkuuta 2012

Throw away the trash... 100% power.

During the past few weeks and especially the past few days, I have thrown away more trash, physical and mental, than ever before in my life. Now everything has been cleared up, taken care of, gotten rid of, set aside and laid to rest. Now all there is left to do is take what I need and go.

I have my passport, visa, other necessary papers, medicine, money, a deck of cards, two sets of clothes, a journal, more than enough music and my attitude. What I didn't pack, I can do without or buy. At this point it is useless to worry.

Tomorrow is the day that I leave my home and fortress. By the grace of whatever I go, returning just a little more than a hundred days later. I wonder if anything will change. Right now I feel the tension building up, and as I start my journey I am at 100% power and ready to go from one side of the world to the other.

Late tomorrow afternoon, I shall shake off my shackles and go away like never before.

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